Fumblr: a blogging social media app
Follow your favorite bloggers, share posts, and customize your profile with Fumblr.
Project Goals
Fumblr is a social media app inspired by Tumblr. The goal of this project was to create a React social media app where users can make profiles, interact with other users, and make their own posts.
Development Stack
The front end for Fumblr is built using React, and the backend includes Firebase's Storage for saving images and Realtime Database for user data and authorization.
Development Process
I knew I wanted to push myself in terms of site functionality and I wanted Fumblr to feel as close to a fully developed social media app as possible. Along with having users create and like posts, I added a messenger, real-time notifications, profile customization, and a light/dark theme. I really enjoyed learning how to implement new features that I hadn't developed before, and designing the front end for this app.
Lessons Learned
I learned how to employ real-time notifications (by using React's effect hooks as well as Firebase's database listeners), which helped develop the chatting feature as well. Fumblr is also my first project that can upload and store user images. Developing Fumblr gave me a better understanding of React, its benefits, and how it functions overall. This project was great practice in developing a more complicated app that had multiple features.
Maria Silvia